Gulf Gate Hearing Aid Center’s Comprehensive Tinnitus Care in Sarasota and Bradenton
Finding Relief from the Persistent Ringing
“Is there an end to this constant ringing in my ears?” If this sentiment echoes your daily experience, then you are likely grappling with tinnitus.

Research suggests tinnitus affects approximately 15 percent of the general population, with a vast majority, about 80–90 percent, also having aidable hearing loss. But take heart! The trusted hearing care experts at Gulf Gate Hearing Aid Center are gearing up to offer specialized care for tinnitus sufferers in Sarasota and beyond.
Having been the go-to center for thousands of families, physicians, and organizations since 1977, we’re now expanding our services, with our very own Mark Rahman, BC-HIS, becoming an official Tinnitus Care Provider, certified by the International Hearing Society.
Understanding Tinnitus
Often mistaken for a disease in itself, tinnitus is actually a symptom—much like the “phantom limb” sensation known to amputees. It’s the perception of a noise that isn’t present externally, ranging from ringing or buzzing to humming and other sounds.
Damage to the inner ear, often coinciding with hearing loss
Ear infections or fluid buildup in the middle ear
Meniere’s disease or earwax buildup
Conditions like hypertension, thyroid issues, diabetes, and even the use of certain medications

Tinnitus Myths Debunked
Tinnitus is just ringing in the ears: While many experience ringing, others hear buzzing, humming, or even roaring.
Only the elderly get tinnitus: Tinnitus can affect anyone, regardless of age.
There's nothing you can do about tinnitus: While there is no “cure” per se, there are numerous treatments to manage and reduce the impact of tinnitus.
How We Approach Tinnitus at Gulf Gate
Comprehensive Assessment
Personalized Treatment Plan
Counseling & Support
Sound Therapy
Continuous Care
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Tinnitus
What exactly is tinnitus?
Is tinnitus a disease or a symptom?
How common is tinnitus?
Can tinnitus be cured?
Can children experience tinnitus?
Does exposure to loud noise cause tinnitus?
Is tinnitus linked to any other health conditions?
Can certain medications cause tinnitus?
What is pulsatile tinnitus?
How can Gulf Gate Hearing Aid Center help with my tinnitus?
Are there lifestyle changes I can make to manage my tinnitus better?
Do hearing aids help with tinnitus?
What Our Delighted Patients Say
A Legacy of Trust
Gulf Gate Hearing Aid Center is not new to the landscape of auditory care in Sarasota. With decades of experience, we are evolving to address the changing needs of our community. When you choose us, you’re not just getting a service; you’re becoming a part of our extended family, where your well-being is our foremost priority.
Remember: If tinnitus is affecting your quality of life, you’re not alone, and more importantly, help is available. Let Gulf Gate Hearing Aid Center be your beacon toward a quieter, more peaceful existence.
Ready to embark on a journey toward tinnitus relief?
Contact us at (941) 922-5894 or schedule your appointment online.
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Local Hearing Loss Stories

Change your life for the better.
Oftentimes, hearing loss doesn’t just limit your hearing ability, but it can also affect your overall sense of well-being.
Patricia recalls, “I was dining with a table of people in a restaurant and I could not follow the conversation. As a result, I felt frustrated and didn’t want to be there because I could not hear. It is embarrassing to keep asking the speaker to repeat what was said.”
– Patricia T.

You will wonder why you waited so long.
When Donna was faced with a hearing loss, suddenly her golden years didn’t seem so golden.
She recalls, “I was so upset! I thought I was an active, healthy young senior! How could I be losing my hearing? How bad will it get? Will I have to wear those ugly hearing aids for ‘old people?’”
– Donna J.

I wouldn’t go anywhere else.
John’s hearing seemed fine, but when he found himself among many people, the truth soon revealed itself. He recalls, “In a group setting, I realized everyone else could clearly hear what was being said, but I missed much of the conversation.”
Turning to Gulf Gate Hearing Aid Center for help, John was soon impressed with what he found. He said it’s a “convenient location” and he liked the “friendly staff who were committed to providing great customer service.”
–John S.

A-1 service.
Peter became aware of his hearing loss when he experienced “confusion in a restaurant.”
Already a hearing aid wearer, Peter was new to the Sarasota area and simply needed a new audiologist for his hearing care.
He says his first impressions of Gulf Gate Hearing Aid Center were “neutral.” He recalls “no white coats” and a “modest office.”
– Peter A.